Saturday, November 3, 2007

Anyone for Spaghetti???????

Here's an Idea for Spaghetti

2 pkts of spaghetti
Teaspoon of edicol dye or food colouring
A good twist of cooking oil

Boil spaghetti in saucepan with oil & dye
Cook till aldent'e, then drain

I cooked each colour separately and used half a pkt for each colour

Children love the texture of the Spaghetti as specially with lots of oil.
Allow them to play offering them tongs, plates etc for Pretend play.
Even little children love this activity as many never get a chance to use adult utensils.
This activity encourages, Fine motor skills, social interaction, imagination and cognitive development.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Fabulous blog idea. I am VERY proud of you! Look forward to visiting and being inspired :)